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Showing posts with the label behaviour assessment

Reflections on my D-behaviour preference

I wonder if discovering your Everything DiSC® preferred behaviour style is a bit like ordering a meal in a restaurant ? While you are happy with your style - everyone else's style looks more appealing ! Completing the online assessment to uncover my Everything DiSC® type was easy and took about 20 minutes to complete - and it turns out I am a 'strong' D style. There are four 'types' in the DiSC system D - Dominance, i - Influence, S -Steadiness and C - Conscientiousness. Of course there is no ideal or perfect style to be and in truth most of us will demonstrate a mix of styles. I was assessed as  unmistakably  D and it is hard for me to disagree since the assessment result was based on my responses to the questions !  Doing this assessment allowed me to reflect and re-consider my behavioural patterns and reactions.  My detailed report reminded me and I had to agree that I am motivated by power and authority and success. I couldn't disagree and neither could my