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Showing posts with the label Busy

The being busy trap

Today’s walk along the road was achieved by careful timing and watching the clouds to avoid the rain. I found myself wondering about a conversation I had last week about the language we use in work situations relating to how busy we all are.   I caught myself saying that I had ‘back to back meetings all day’ not sure if I was looking for admiration or pity.  The fact that I could feel the uncomfortableness of the fact, combined with an annoyance with myself for getting into this situation collided and I adopted a resigned to accept it outlook.  With the time to reflect today – I wonder how often I willingly allow myself to get into the too busy being busy mode.  The day goes so quickly – for sure ! Some around may marvel at my revolving office door and the constant foot fall ….  When I reflect on what I achieved during my day of meetings it is clear little or any of it could truly be called ‘deep work’ – in contrast to what is described as ‘shallow work’ – those non-productive meetings